Sunday, December 25, 2011

Animate Inc. Fishmate 600 GPH Submersible Pond Pump #247

!: Order Animate Inc. Fishmate 600 GPH Submersible Pond Pump #247 fast

Brand : Ani Mate
Rate :
Price :
Post Date : Dec 25, 2011 23:56:06
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

With an easy-to-clean strainer filter, this high-efficiency pump maintains a clean pond on low-running costs. A single control knob adjusts flow to fountain, waterfall and filter. Four fountain options are available. Designed for durability, choose the model that best suits your pond's needs. Features: Single control knob adjusts flow to fountain and waterfall/filter - Ceramic shaft bearings and superior rotor design for long service life - Fully encapsulated electrical parts for safety - High efficiency pump turbine for low running costs - Strainer filter less prone to blockage and easier to clean than conventional foam filters. Max Flow Rate: 600 GPH, Max Head: 6' 9", Power Consumption: 40 Watts, Power Cord: 24', Dimensions (excluding flow valve):7-3/4"L x 5-3/4"W x 4"H, Outlet Size: 1" OD (uses 1" ID Tubing).

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sunforce 82328 80W Solar Submersible Water Pump Kit

!: discounted Sunforce 82328 80W Solar Submersible Water Pump Kit Review

Brand : Sunforce | Rate : | Price : $527.60
Post Date : Dec 10, 2011 16:56:28 | Usually ships in 24 hours

The Sunforce 80 Watt Solar Submersible Water Pump is powered by an 80 Watt, 24 volt solar panel and operates in sunny or cloudy conditions, providing an 8-hour continuous duty cycle on average. It can be used for flood control, sump pump applications, drainage, industrial applications and more. Featuring a permanent magnet motor and carbon brush life of over 3000 hours, this solar pump is made of high strength plastic construction with stainless steel fasteners. It includes 98.4 feet power cord and 98.4 feet water tube and can move up to 26.4 gallons of water per day.

More Specification..!!

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Friday, November 18, 2011

How to Restore and Increase the Life of Your Septic System

!: How to Restore and Increase the Life of Your Septic System

On Memorial Day weekend, 2002, we noticed a strong septic odor in the yard. I traced the odor down to the septic tank. After digging up the cover and removing it I soon discovered that the tank was completely full of wastewater. I frantically called in the experts including pumpers, system installer and soil testers. I heard comments like "sorry I can't help you", "we can try jetting the lines", "we can put a new system in that will be much better", "your lucky it lasted this long". Well, after these comments and the ,000 bid to replace the system, not including the tree removal (another ,500), landscape restoration (another ,000) and staircase/deck demolition and rebuild (another ,500) I decided that there MUST be a better solution! The quest began and the rest is history!

Understanding Your Septic System

If you are like me and the rest of the world, you probably had no idea on how your septic system works. You may have learned from your parents that the system should be pumped regularly, or maybe you learned that they never need pumping! There are many wives tales about putting a dead chicken in the tank every so often, or yeast cakes, "magic" bugs, etc. If you added any one of these remedies, "your septic system would last forever and it would have an infinite life expectancy"! If you're reading this article you now know that these wives tales simply aren't true!

Your septic system is a combination of a mechanical and biological system.
The mechanical portions of modern systems are very durable. Materials like concrete, PVC plastic, fired clay pipe will last a long time under ground. Materials like steel and cast iron and asphalitic pipe are not very common anymore and most of these material have failed and been replaced with newer durable materials.

The biological portion of your systems is generally robust, however it can be upset by abuse such as system overloading and dumping excess materials into the system for which it is not designed to handle such as paint materials, thinners, bleach, anti-bacterial products, and non-organic materials such as wrappers, cigarette butts, etc.

In the perfect world the biological process is 100% efficient. By this time in your life I am sure you have come to realize that we live in a less than perfect world and therefore things in our life crop up that we must deal with! This topic is no ones favorite and you have probably learned more about your septic system in the past few weeks than you wanted.

Perceived Solutions

The problems in our lives usually occur at the least opportune moment. They may be financial, timing or personal grief. Unfortunately we must use the cards we are dealt. In the case of your septic system we must rely on the local "experts". Again, unfortunately, the local "experts" may have limited knowledge on subjects beyond their respective profession. The pumpers are great at pumping, the plumbers are great at plumbing and the installers are great at installing. Most likely, none of these contractors fully understand both the mechanical and biological process. Because of this, they attempt to sell you their service or solution, none of which will ultimately solve your septic system problem. Out of frustration, you turn to the internet to begin research on your own. A quick "Google" search leads you to hundreds of web pages that make claims of solving your septic system problem forever. These companies can supply the magic "bugs" or "chemical" that you simply flush down the drain and your problems are solved! If you read on you will fully understand why the aforementioned "solutions" will not resolve your septic system problem.

How Your Septic System Works
There are many design variations of septic systems. While the systems may be somewhat different, they all perform the same basic function. That is, to process raw sewage into a cleaner effluent that can be evenly distributed beneath the ground and blended with the groundwater as not to create a health hazard. The basic components of the system are the inlet pipe, the septic tank, the outlet pipe and an absorption component. The waste stream is almost always in motion. As an example, when a toilet is flushed in a house, approximately 3 gallons of water and waste flows into the outlet pipe connected to the septic tank. The equal amount of waste (3 gallons) then flows out of the septic tank through the outlet pipe to the absorption component. The equal amount of waste (3 gallons) flows through the absorption unit into the ground.

The Treatment Process
The wastewater first enters the tank from the home. The wastewater is held in the tank for approximately 2 days. During the holding period the anaerobic bacteria breakdown the organic material in the wastewater and reduce the "strength" of the wastewater by about 40%. As explained above, when the 3 gallons of wastewater enters the tank it displaces 3 gallons of wastewater through the outlet pipe. Because of the separation distance between the inlet and outlet pipes the wastewater that is closer to the outlet pipe has been in the tank the longest period and therefore is the cleanest. This cleaner water (still containing 60% of its' original organic material) flows out into the distribution field for further treatment. After a short period of time a layer begins to form at the bottom of the gravel bed. This layer is known as the biomat. The biomat is made of anaerobic bacteria and its by-product, a black slimy substance. The slimy substance protects the bacteria from oxygen. If the anaerobic bacteria were to come in contact with oxygen it would quickly die. Because the biomat is a living organism, it requires a food source. The food source is the organic material dissolved or suspended in the water coming from the septic tank. The biomat is not a "bad" thing. Its purpose is to further clean the wastewater to remove the additional 60% of organic material. The anaerobic bacteria (biomat) are rather slow to digest the organic material. The by-product of the anaerobic bacteria also closes some of the soil pores resulting in a reduction in flow of the water through it. This enables the anaerobic bacteria sufficient time to clean the wastewater. The result is very clean water entering the water table which eventually mixes with ground water.

The Septic System Aging Process
As discussed earlier, the mechanical portion of your septic system is very durable. A common repair after many years with some systems may be the repair or replacement of the inlet and or the outlet baffle. Other than that nothing should need service. However, your system does age biologically.

When your septic system is new it has much more water dispersion capacity than you will use. Over time, the biomat matures clogging the soil pores excessively. Eventually, the biomat seals off the bottom of the field and the wastewater begins to "pond" in the gravel bed beneath the ground. The water begins to be absorbed through the side walls of the gravel bed. The biomat continues to mature and grows up the side walls and eventually to the surface, or near the surface. This IS the reason why your system does not function as it did when it was new. At some point you will be putting more wastewater into the system than the field has the ability to disperse. This results in ponding on the surface of your yard, elevated tank levels, ponding on the surface of your yard above the septic tank, or sewage back-ups into the house. You could experience one or any combination of these situations.

Perceived Cause/Remedy of Problem
Roots - roots are seldom an issue regardless what you are told. For the roots to cause a problem, they would have to fill all of the perforation holes in the pipe system.

Conclusion: This scenario is not likely. Less than 0.5% (1 out of 200) system that experience problems are related to roots.

Insufficient Bacteria in System - The bacteria population in your system is self regulating. As more wastewater ("food" for bacteria) enters the septic tank the bacteria population count increases very rapidly. As the wastewater ("food" for bacteria) flow decreases the population decreases. As an example, when you go on vacation the wastewater flow to the tank stops. The bacteria will digest their food. When the food is gone, the bacteria begin to starve and die off. By the time you return from vacation, the bacteria count is low. As wastewater enters the tank the bacteria population count increases rapidly until it balances with the amount of available "food".

Conclusion: The only way for a system to become unbalanced would be an event that killed the septic tank bacteria such as excessive use of solvent chemicals, bleach, anti-bacterial products, chemotherapy drugs, etc. A system will handle any of these substances in moderate amounts. Therefore, if you don't abuse your system you will not need to add bacteria.

"Special" Bacteria are Required - There are hundreds of brands of septic tank additives on the market today. Many have powerful claims such as "If you use our product you'll never have to pump your septic tank again" "Our product liquefies the waste", "4 Billion cfu/gm" "Special enzymes that breakdown the solids", etc. Many have claims of "money-back guarantee" and "easy to use, just flush down the commode", "No more odors", etc. Typically, the bigger the hype the higher the price. Generally speaking, the packaging and marketing costs are far greater than the manufacturing cost of the "active" material. These companies can afford many customer returns and still maintain a substantial profit. Some will even convince you into accepting more of their product in lieu of returning your money. Most people become frustrated and tired and give up trying to get their 0 back! These bacterial "cocktails" typically contain aerobic, anaerobic and facultative bacteria. The aerobic require oxygen to live, the anaerobic must live in an oxygen free environment (septic) and the facultative can survive in either condition by metamorphosis from anaerobic to aerobic. As mentioned earlier, your system is operating in a "septic" anaerobic condition. The aerobic bacteria in the cocktail die rapidly after entering the septic tank because there is no oxygen in the system. The facultative bacteria change to anaerobic bacteria by metamorphosis and the anaerobic survive well. As you learned in the "Septic System Aging Process" above, the CAUSE of your septic system failure is that there is a significant build-up of anaerobic bacteria in your septic field known as the bio-mat. You also learned above that you cannot add more bacteria than available food.

Conclusion: Simply adding more of the same type of bacteria that is already causing problems with your system will have no positive impact!

Frequent Pumping - Many pumpers will gladly pump your system anytime you call them. It can take weeks for the bacteria in a septic tank to re-populate and stabilize. During this period, the wastewater is not being fully treated and very strong wastewater is flowing to the field. The added "food" in this wastewater allows the accelerated growth of the bio-mat.

Conclusion: Frequent pumping can do more harm than good because the wastewater flowing to the field has more "food" in it because the system is not been given adequate time to stabilize. Short term you will get some relief until the tank fills again.

The REAL Solution to Resolving Your Septic System Problems

By now you should understand how your septic system works and why it fails. You should also be able to identify the fact from the fiction coming from the local "expert" or the savvy internet marketing web site that prey on desperate homeowners needs. You will now learn about a little known technology that is scientifically based, has over 100 years of application history, has over a 95% success rate, requires no excavation, requires no chemicals or additives and boasts a 100% money-back guarantee.

This process is called "Aerobic Bio-Remediation". The process, application and the equipment has been developed and introduced by Aero-Stream®, LLC. Additionally, the process has been awarded a U.S. Patent!

The Technology: The aerobic treatment of wastewater has been in use for more than 100 years. Nearly every municipal wastewater treatment plant utilizes aerobic treatment as one of their primary treatment process. This process is robust, fast and efficient at cleaning the wastewater. Aero-Stream® applies this same technology to your current septic system with virtually no significant change to your components or systems. Just as the large municipal wastewater treatment plants do, the aerobic treatment of the wastewater in your septic tank is processesed to reduce the strength of the organic material leaving the tank by some 70% - 80%. Because the food source for the biomat is significantly reduced the biomat begins to starve and die. When the biomat dies, it breaks down and becomes permeable again. In addition to the starvation of the biomat, the oxygen rich laden water with aerobic bacteria flows into the field. The aerobic bacteria also have an appetite for the biomat further reducing the bio-mat.

The Success Rate: The Aero-Stream® process equipment has been installed across the U.S. in nearly every type of system configuration and soil type. The process boasts a 95% success rate! The most common reason for unsuccessful remediation is the lack of adequate time for the remediation to occur. Homeowners want or need their system repaired quickly. Even though the Aero-Stream® process shows significant results in 6 -8 weeks, sometimes that is not fast enough!

The Cost: The Aero-Stream® process and equipment is substantially less expensive than any other proven solution. When comparing the typical Aero-Stream® installation to the lowest cost absorption field replacement, the Aero-Stream® solution is 85% less expensive. When compared to the average cost absorption field, the Aero-Stream® solution is 90% less expensive, and 93% less expensive on a high cost absorption field replacement.

How to Restore and Increase the Life of Your Septic System

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Reasons to Use a Sump Pump

!: Reasons to Use a Sump Pump

Little Giant sump pumps are extremely useful electronic appliances employed for the sole purpose of maintaining the level of water within a sump reservoir in order to ensure that flooding does not occur particularly during rainy seasons. Little Giant sump pumps are amongst the most reliable and durable appliances available in the market. Although these machines are primarily used for drainage purposes, they can also indirectly provide a number of benefits to the owner through various differing channels.

Flooding and drainage problems in basements can lead to a number of major issues which eventually lead to foundational and structural predicaments that can reduce the value of the property. Therefore, with a proper drainage system maintained by the installation of a sump pump can help keep the foundation of a house secure thereby maintaining the monetary value of that particular property. On the other hand, such devices also provide continued protection against extreme climatic conditions and keep basements clean and dry. This is extremely important since people tend to use basements for storage purposes as well as the fact that excessive moisture can lead to significant health problems.

Furthermore, sump pumps can also help decrease the amount of decay that occurs such as fungus and mildew. If such problems are left to fester, they can lead to health issues for occupants living within the house. On the other hand, minute flooding occurring within a basement can also lead to corrosion of metallic objects thereby reducing their respective working life. Also, water drainage problems can cause damage to paint and wall coverings. Consequently, once such damage has occurred, subsequent renovation procedures that are initiated can be extremely costly. Hence, sump pumps help owners to avoid hefty expenses in regards to house maintenance.

Therefore, it can be clearly seen that although drainage pumps are used ultimately for the primary purpose of maintaining water level within the reservoir pit, they result in lots of indirect benefits that can have long term impacts. Since installation of such devices leads to adequate maintenance of the foundation as well as keeping the house structurally secure, they can also prevent insect infestation such as termites. The cost of removal of termite infestation can be extremely hefty and a drainage device can help prevent such a situation from occurring.

Hence, sump pumps are of extreme importance to house owners because of the vast array of benefits that they provide. Eventually they are vital towards the maintenance of the monetary valuation of a particular property.

Reasons to Use a Sump Pump

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Beautiful Water Feature Ideas

!: Beautiful Water Feature Ideas

Water features are pretty common these days as part of a structure's indoor decor. Both interior decorators and owners like the notion of having some kind of a water feature in the home. For residences, water features like garden fountains, glass pools, mini ponds and water recesses are normally used. Waterfalls, fiberglass fountains and decorative ponds are usually reserved for more commercial buildings which have more space to accommodate these features.

Waterfalls are enjoyed best for their endless rush of energy and power. The surge of the waters cascading from one level to another is always a sight for sore eyes - the bigger the waterfall surge, the more breathtaking the scene. While the best waterfalls are always those found naturally, beautiful ones can also be created in the garden or lawn, or even indoors, as long as there is enough space for the waters to pool at the bottom.

Concrete water falls are often installed outdoors. These waterfalls are usually one or two piece structures, pre-cast and molded from real rock formations. Some will even have real rock elements embedded in their walls and sides for an authentic touch. Concrete waterfalls use water that is piped in and then circulated all over the structure by a submersible pump.

Being a construction material, concrete is used in the building of manmade waterfalls because it is relatively easier to mix and mold into rock-like formations. While the concrete is in its synthetic state, it can be stamped, carved, shaped or imprinted to follow any contour. It is also possible to add in similar colors and textures to the structure for a more natural finish. The inspiration for the creation of concrete waterfalls comes from Mother Nature herself - by emulating the antics of real-life, thunderous waterfalls, the sparkling trickles of water from manmade waterfalls come to life.

Fiberglass is material made from extremely fine fibers of glass. Used mainly as a reinforcing agent for many polymer products like plastics and proteins, fiberglass as we know it today was invented in 1938 as a material to be used as insulation. Fiberglass fountains are long-lasting and able to withstand most harsh weathers, which translates to better value for money in the long term. There are corner and centerpiece fiberglass fountains which double up as spectacular conversation pieces. Not only are they easy to install anywhere, there will also not be a need for plumbing as water is recycled within the fountain itself. Fiberglass fountains also make perfect wall fountains. Hanging on the wall, they have the advantage of being lighter than conventional stone wall fountains and will not require as strong an installation as their stone counterparts.

Because it is weatherproof, fiberglass is also used to make indoor and outdoor waterfalls. Various models of manmade waterfalls are available today made from realistic fiberglass molded from natural stone. These structures are popular as they are lightweight, yet strong and durable, and uncomplicated enough for designers to be able to model many different types of waterfalls for the choosing. Ranging from medium-sized 86 cm to long streamers of 210cm and even bigger, fiberglass waterfalls always succeed in impressing its spectators. For an even more lifelike appearance, tone the structure with a weathered finish.

Another popular usage for fiberglass as an interior décor element is as a water feature. In this sense, water may not be seen gently cascading or brightly sprouting. In a fiberglass water feature, water is highlighted more as a bubbling brook to set a soothing backdrop to the surroundings. Some choices of water features to choose from are shallow and deep ponds, self-contained water containers with a rock within, monolith water features, ornaments and animals and grindstones. For Feng Shui practitioners, water is a symbol of wealth and water features in the correct sector will help attract more of it to the occupant.

When fortunate enough to have a spacious lawn, a garden fountain is a must. From humble, little garden formations to huge, looming stone creations, garden fountains can be a specter to admire or a structure to impress. Garden fountains are made from various different materials - stone, granite, concrete, resin, copper or slate - and is made to be either free standing, set on tabletops or as wall hangings. The centerpiece of the fountain can be ornaments, statues of people or animals, or just modern art shapes of nothing in particular. Fountain décor can be exaggerated with carvings, emblems, attachments of sculptures or paint. The main idea of having a garden fountain in your premises is to bring the soothing sound of flowing water into your space.

Beautiful Water Feature Ideas

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tetra Pond Water Garden Pump 1000 GPH, Ponds 500-1000 Gallons

!: Best Buy Tetra Pond Water Garden Pump 1000 GPH, Ponds 500-1000 Gallons quick

Rate : | Price : $62.18 | Post Date : Nov 03, 2011 06:45:43
Usually ships in 24 hours

Tetra Pond Water Garden Pump 1000 GPH is designed for ponds 500 1000 gallons. This is a magnetic drive water garden pump that can power waterfalls, filters, and fountain heads. Adapters are included. Energy efficient and UL listed with 3 year limited warranty.

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

AquaTop Submersible Pond UV Sterilizer with Pump + Fountain Kit UVFK-9

!: Catalog AquaTop Submersible Pond UV Sterilizer with Pump + Fountain Kit UVFK-9 grand sale

Brand : AquaTop | Rate : | Price : $69.95
Post Date : Oct 23, 2011 06:09:49 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

AQUATOP’s UVFK Series UV Pumps with fountain kits are a perfect and versatile method to eradicate and control free-floating micro-organisms that cause the unsightly green water as well as disease causing pathogens in both your fresh & saltwater aquariums. The versatility of these fully submersible UV Pumps also allow for applications in your outdoor garden ponds. Unlike conventional UV Sterilizers which need the addition of a pump and extra plumbing, the UVCP-9 has a built in pump and ready to use without the hassle of extra plumbing. 9 watt UV Lamp, suitable to sterilize capacities up to 1,585 gallons.

  • 264 GPH w/ Adjustable Flow Rate
  • Filter Capacity; Freshwater=1585 gallons Saltwater= 60 gallons
  • 9 watt UV Bulb
  • 4 different fountain heads included
  • 24 watt unit

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Submersible Pond Pump - Choice and Maintenance

!: Submersible Pond Pump - Choice and Maintenance

Having your own pond can significantly enhance your garden design by giving it a picturesque, more natural look. The ability to add additional decorative elements like waterfalls, fountains and figure-shaped water spouts can create a relaxing place for you and your family to enjoy, with the calming sound of flowing water and sky reflection in between ripples from passages of koi fish. Choosing and maintaining your submersible pond pump correctly has a direct impact on the performance of your pond and the natural balance inside it.

There are two important factors that govern the choice of a pond pump. The first is the volume of water that the pump is meant to deal with and the second is the height of the waterfall or fountain system inlet that leads the water up and out. In the case where it is simply desired that water is flowed around without the use of additional external stream units, the only remaining consideration is the volume of pond water that your pump has to deal with.

When calculating the volume for a fountain and similar structures, you need to take into account both the width and height of the inlet of the unit. Make sure to measure the height by starting from the water surface up rather than from the bottom of the pond. Add 20% to the result to get the final number. This is done in order to make sure you get optimal water flow even when the system is under performing or there is a drop in water pressure. By using those measurements and applying them to the reference table that pond pump manufacturers provide for their models, you can easily make the best choice to fit your pond and needs.

For pumps that are going to cycle the pond water only, without the use of decoration and additional streams, it is best to use the whole volume of the pond as a measurement. For instance if you have a pond of 500 gallons that would mean you need a pump that has the capacity of 500 gallons per hour. That is not always the case with bigger ponds where the ratio becomes nonlinear, so it's best to stick to the provided GPH (gallon per hour) rate tables provided by manufacturers.

When it comes to pumping technology, try to avoid systems that use a sponge in their casting and spend a bit more for a magnetic driven pump. The operational cost in the long run far overcompensates for the increased initial cost of the pump. When it comes to filtering, whether or not you choose to have such is mainly down to the type of pond you're going to utilize. Life forms like Koi fish require very clean and regularly purified water in order to survive. Ponds that are susceptible to contamination and pollution from their surroundings should also be equipped with a filtering water pump.

Submersible pond pump is an excellent device, especially for smaller ponds, not only to create beautiful effects that improve the image of your garden, but to improve the water quality and provide you with an easy way to empty the pond bed whenever you have to.

Submersible Pond Pump - Choice and Maintenance

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Little Giant Premium Pond Pump

!: New Little Giant Premium Pond Pump discounted

Brand : Little Giant | Rate : | Price : $121.00
Post Date : Apr 19, 2011 09:33:05 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days


Premium Pond Pump, 1900 GPH
Ideal for use in waterfall and stream applications, this powerful direct drive pump features a unique dual discharge design for operation of two water features simultaneously. This pump is extremely versatile, able to be used vertically or horizontally.
# Unique dual discharge design allows for operation of two water features simultaneously
# Powerful direct drive pump produces greater starting torque and flow pressure than comparable magnetic drive submersible pumps
# Corrosion resistant body designed for non-potable submersible use

Item Number 566065
Model Number PMO-650
Horsepower 1/8
Flow 1900 GPH @ 1'
Cord Length 16'
Shut Off 20'
Voltage 115
Hertz 60
Amps 2
Watts 230
Weight 8.5
Height 8.1
Width 6.35
Length 9.6
Head (ft)Flow (GPH)Head (m)Flow (LPH)

Item Number: 566065
Model Number: PMO-650

More Specification..!!

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Submersible Pond Pump - option and Maintenance

!: Submersible Pond Pump - option and Maintenance

Having your own pond can significantly improve your organery establish by giving it a picturesque, more natural look. The quality to add further ornamental elements like waterfalls, fountains and figure-shaped water spouts can create a relaxing place for you and your house to enjoy, with the calming sound of flowing water and sky reflection in in the middle of ripples from passages of koi fish. Choosing and maintaining your submersible pond pump correctly has a direct impact on the execution of your pond and the natural balance inside it.

There are two prominent factors that govern the choice of a pond pump. The first is the volume of water that the pump is meant to deal with and the second is the height of the waterfall or fountain system inlet that leads the water up and out. In the Case where it is plainly desired that water is flowed colse to without the use of further external stream units, the only remaining notice is the volume of pond water that your pump has to deal with.

When calculating the volume for a fountain and similar structures, you need to take into catalogue both the width and height of the inlet of the unit. Make sure to part the height by beginning from the water covering up rather than from the lowest of the pond. Add 20% to the succeed to get the final number. This is done in order to make sure you get optimal water flow even when the system is under performing or there is a drop in water pressure. By using those measurements and applying them to the reference table that pond pump manufacturers contribute for their models, you can nothing else but make the best choice to fit your pond and needs.

For pumps that are going to cycle the pond water only, without the use of embellishment and further streams, it is best to use the whole volume of the pond as a measurement. For instance if you have a pond of 500 gallons that would mean you need a pump that has the capacity of 500 gallons per hour. That is not always the Case with bigger ponds where the ratio becomes nonlinear, so it's best to stick to the in Case,granted Gph (gallon per hour) rate tables in Case,granted by manufacturers.

When it comes to pumping technology, try to avoid systems that use a toady in their casting and spend a bit more for a magnetic driven pump. The operational cost in the long run far overcompensates for the increased first cost of the pump. When it comes to filtering, whether or not you select to have such is mainly down to the type of pond you're going to utilize. Life forms like Koi fish need very clean and ordinarily purified water in order to survive. Ponds that are susceptible to contamination and pollution from their surroundings should also be equipped with a filtering water pump.

Submersible pond pump is an exquisite device, especially for smaller ponds, not only to create gorgeous effects that improve the image of your garden, but to improve the water quality and contribute you with an easy way to empty the pond bed whenever you have to.

Submersible Pond Pump - option and Maintenance

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Friday, March 11, 2011

Pond Pumps water | | Pumps Pond Pond Pump

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